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Haematology and Cytogenetics
The Haematology department at one care diagnostics centre offers an extensive range of diagnostic and clinical services, which cover all blood and coagulation disorders. The expertise and equipment available within the laboratory enables the unit to provide and contract for special projects.
Routine, special and coagulation analyses are done using standardised procedures for accuracy and precision. Complete blood count with 5 part differential, routine and special coagulation parameters are done, with specialised instruments. Blood films and bone marrow samples are processed with professional care and expertise. We uses Flow cytometry technology for advanced and differential diagnosis of benign VS malignant using latest equipment and expert technologists. We also uses flow cytometry technology for the detection and classification of leukaemia and lymphoma. Diagnosis and management of many haematological disorders is achieved through a co-ordinated approach involving morphological, immunophenotypic, cytogenetic and molecular assessment. Under our qualified staff and pathologists consultants, The Haematology Special Tests are conducted to investigates haemoglobinopathies, thalassaemia, and haemolytic anaemia.
Chromosome preparations are made from dividing cells, which are at or near the metaphase stage of the mitotic cycle. The techniques used in the Cytogenetic laboratory all aim to produce a maximum number of cells undergoing mitosis. Samples are typically grown in culture media for a number of days or weeks. When a cell culture is ready to be harvested its growth is arrested by the addition of colcemid. Colcemid halts the cell cycle at metaphase where the nuclear DNA is organised into discrete chromosomes. Metaphase chromosomes are fixed onto microscope slides and are analysed by our cytogeneticists. The analysis is called a karyotype and it describes the chromosomal makeup (constitutional or acquired) of the individual from whom the tissue originated. Our Cytogenetic departments perform various types of tests to understanding of the nature of leukaemia and lymphoma.